
Showing posts from March, 2019

The auditor of Dia detected accounting irregularities of more than 95 million in 2017 and 2018

The auditor of Dia detected accounting irregularities of more than 95 million in 2017 and 2018 They affect outstanding bill payments and discounts applied to suppliers, while the company "will reinforce controls"   The current leaders of Dia intend to look to the future, and even do not rule out a possible last-minute agreement with the first shareholder of the distribution group, the Russian tycoon Mikhail Fridman (29%) - at least to negotiate better financial conditions with the creditor bank , and even get a credit from the company that shares with other Russian investors and controls those titles - but they will not be able to stop attending to the past either. And her decision to complain to the prosecutor 's accounts of 2017 can bring tail.   That announcement was made on Friday, after presenting the worst results in its history with losses of 352.6 million euros last year, and was the result of an investigation ( report 'forensic' ) commissione...

Mercadona and Lidl grow thanks to the decline of Dia engaged in its worst crisis

Mercadona and Lidl grow thanks to the decline of Dia engaged in its worst crisis The supermarket chain drops by 0.7% in 2018 to 7.5% market share, despite "not yet accounted for the negative effects of layoffs", explains the head of retail sector of Kantar Worldpanel Mercadona and Lidl grow thanks to the decline of Dia in the year of its worst crisis. The supermarket chain drops by 0.7% in 2018 to 7.5% market share, despite "not yet accounted for the negative effects of layoffs", explains the head of retail sector of Kantar Worldpanel . The Valencian chain Mercadona remains one more year the undisputed leader for Spanish consumers with a market share of 25%. This means that 1 of every 4 euros spent on mass consumption goes to the firm of Juan Roig, which has strengthened its position especially in fresh products, which account for half of what we Spaniards spend in the shopping cart, according to the figures of the report 'Balance of the Distribution...

Germany, France and Spain, alone in the defense of qualified majorities for fiscal policy

Germany, France and Spain, alone in the defense of qualified majorities for fiscal policy The unanimity of the Twenty-eight that is demanded today to validate any decision supposes a "blockade", regrets Moscovici   The Venezuelan crisis has been the last and most obvious example that the vote against a single country (in this case Italy) can break the common position and transfer the image of division and weakness to the rest of the world. The unanimity of the Twenty-eight that is required in foreign policy is also imposed on fiscal and economic matters. And there the clearest effect is the blockade . Europe does not advance when it comes to setting taxes on financial transactions, nor in the VAT reform, there is no cohesion in corporate tax and measures such as the application of the so-called 'Google tax', are arbitrated on a free-choice basis after fail again and again the possibility of activating a common strategy.   That is the reality and the Minis...

The Government will approve the 'sandbox' in the coming weeks

The Government will approve the 'sandbox' in the coming weeks The regulatory bank of financial innovations has been in public consultation since last year   The Ministry of Economy plans to approve the Council of Ministers "imminently" the bill that creates the regulatory test bank for digital innovations in the financial system, known as 'sandbox'. The director of the Technical Office of the General Secretary of the Treasury and International Financing, Bernardo Hernández San Juan , announced it during the conference organized by the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) on 'The Fintech phenomenon: opportunities and challenges' .   Hernández pointed out that "in a few weeks, possibly in February," the draft law, which has been in public consultation since last year, will go to the Council of Ministers for approval, which also intends to act on the principle of proportionality - that the requirements that are applie...

The Ibex-35 loses 9,000 despite good news from Washington

The Ibex-35 loses 9,000 despite good news from Washington The selective Spanish closed the day with a revaluation of 0.52%   Second session of rebound for the Ibex-35, with the rest of Europe accompanying and also Wall Street in positive. The selective Spanish closed the day with a revaluation of 0.52%, insufficient to recover the 9,000 points: it remained at 8,983.1 points. The selective lost 9,000 points in the last minutes of negotiation : during much of the day, from mid-morning to past five in the afternoon, was above that psychological level. Only nine Ibex-35 securities closed the session with losses. IAG was the worst, with a cut of 2.12%. Then Cellnex was placed, which suffered a 1.09% decrease. They also ended with Colonial and Merlin losses , in addition to Ferrovial, Grifols, Acerinox and Red Eléctrica.    Santander was the only one of the large values ​​of the selective that ended in negative: it was left 0.16%. Perhaps it affected the bank that...

First acquittal to a bank dome, that of Caixa Catalunya, for millionaire salaries in the crisis

First acquittal to a bank dome, that of Caixa Catalunya, for millionaire salaries in the crisis The ex-president of the entity, Narcís Serra, gets rid of the jail sentences that demanded the accusations for granting a high remuneration in full swing of the bank a decade ago   The last managers of Caixa Catalunya, with their former president and ex-socialist Narcís Serra at the head, have been acquitted of the crimes of unfair administration and misappropriation for the compensation they received when the entity was in full decline due to the economic crisis that began a decade ago This has been determined by the Eighth Section of the Audiencia of Barcelona in a ruling in which it frees almost 40 former directors, including its CEO, Adolf Todó.   The ruling supposes the first acquittal that the Justice grants to part of the old domes of the savings banks for the acts related to the recession stage of those businesses, with millionaire salaries in NovacaixaGalicia; t...

Germany will need 260,000 immigrants each year in the next four decades

Germany will need 260,000 immigrants each year in the next four decades An analysis reveals the urgency of # qualified personnel from abroad to alleviate the demographic crisis suffered by the German country   The German labor market needs, in the medium and long term, over the next 40 years, the reinforcement of no less than 260,000 qualified annual immigrants for the powerful local industry to maintain its current operating levels and the country to maintain its well-being. The demographic crisis due to the aging of the population will inevitably lead to the loss of a workforce of 16 million people, practically one out of every three workers at present, until the year 2060, according to a study published yesterday by the Bertelsmann Foundation.   Those responsible for the analysis emphasize that at the time of carrying it out they have taken into account a slight increase in the birth rate and a prolongation of the real work period of men and women. "Even if men ...

The State pushes Red Eléctrica to buy Hispasat for 949 million

The State pushes Red Eléctrica to buy Hispasat for 949 million The system manager, with 20% public capital, acquires Abertis the technological firm whose control was key for Spain   Objective fulfilled Hispasat will be fully Spanish as the Government wanted. Through a bobbin lace, the satellite infrastructure company will be controlled by Red Eléctrica Española (REE), in turn owned by the State. An operation in which the company that manages the entire light transport system, from the power plants to the distribution points, will invest 949 million euros, as reported yesterday to the CNMV. The semi-public company chaired by Jordi Sevilla since last July has reached an agreement with Abertis to buy 89.6% of the capital that this company had in Hispasat, an operation that has suffered continuous ups and downs in recent years by the last change of government; for the purchase of Abertis, in which ACS and the Italian Atlantia finally participated; and by the ministerial rel...

Cabify does not comply and maintains its plan to go public in Spain

Cabify does not comply and maintains its plan to go public in Spain The VTC vehicle platform intends to be quoted in a period of between 12 and 18 months, despite having to leave Barcelona due to the new regulation     The Calcify platform has announced that it plans to go public in Spain in 18 months, just as it said at the end of last summer, despite its latest conflicts in Madrid and Barcelona . Since the company did not want to make statements because "there is no news about it." It was in Barcelona where the company decided, together with Uber, to stop operating earlier this month due to the entry into force of the new regulations that require a VTC to be contracted at least 15 minutes in advance. But the company founded in 2011 is not satisfied and remains firm in the plan to go public , after taking the first steps by contacting the main investment banks, according to 'Cinco Días'. And that is still unclear regulations that can be made by the vario...

A contract that is neither for young people nor serves to train and find a job

A contract that is neither for young people nor serves to train and find a job CC OO denounces the misuse of the contract for training and learning, as well as its low incidence but high cost   The use made in Spain of the contract for the training of young people is practically residual - despite the fact that the country still has a youth unemployment rate of over 30% - and barely represents 0.2% of the total contracts signed. Thus, last year of the more than 22.2 million registered contracts, only 52,800 were made with this modality.    This means that they have plummeted 70% since the peak reached in 2015, when 175,000 contracts were signed, and this despite the boost that has been in the last two years, with an increase of 9% in 2018. If compared with the existing level before the crisis, have now been reduced by half compared to 2007. However, despite having a negligible impact on the Spanish labor market, the cost to the public coffers is high and amou...

BBVA admits that it may have an "economic impact" in the case of espionage

BBVA admits that it may have an "economic impact" in the case of espionage The compensation of Francisco González was 5.5 million in his last year in office at the head of the entity, whose current management also recognizes the "reputational risk" of the open investigation into Villarejo.   Among all the risks that may affect BBVA this year -evolution of the economy, interest rate policy, judicial disputes-, the entity has recognized for the first time and officially that the case of the alleged espionage commissioned to former Commissioner Villarejo joins the potential problems that you will have to face. Therefore, and also explicitly, the bank points out that such practices "could have a negative impact" that can be "reputational" or "economic" for the business of the corporation.   A month after the first information was leaked about the work allegedly carried out by the bank to the security company Cenyt -linked to Vi...

The Ibex tries to settle on the 9,200 with the complicity of Wall Street

The Ibex tries to settle on the 9,200 with the complicity of Wall Street The optimism in the markets may be due to the fact that Trump is finally going to meet with the main Chinese negotiators who participate in the trade talks.   The Ibex-35 moves on the 9,200 points in half session: it is placed in the 9.212, which means a revaluation of 0.25%. This morning he scored highs in the 9,240 points, but has fallen back slightly. The German Dax and the British Ftse 100 are scored around 0.6%. Meanwhile, the French Cac 40 scores 0.37%. The Ftse Mib of Milan, meanwhile, advances 0.29%. The PSI-20 of Lisbon, for its part, is flat. European stock markets hold up, despite the Ifo index, which measures business confidence in the economy has weakened more than expected, passing, in its expectations component, from 94.2 points to 93.8.   In the Ibex-35, Indra is the value that rises the most, with a revaluation of 3.84%. Next ArcelorMittal is placed, which scores almost 3%. ...