Technology companies promise equal pay for men and women

Technology companies promise equal pay for men and women

Apple, Microsoft and Facebook are among the fifty companies to end the wage gap

   About 30 companies, among which are the big names of Silicon Valley (Apple, Microsoft and Facebook) have signed an agreement whereby they commit to end the wage gap in their templates.

"In 2016, the average woman still earns only 79 cents for every dollar an average man earns" in US companies, said White House domestic policy director Cecilia Muñoz, in a message posted on the official blog of the United States. US Presidency

   "That figure goes down to 64 cents for African-American women, 59 for Native Americans and 54 for Latinas," he added.

The wage gaps are also noted in "the payment of overtime, contributions to retirement and social security," so that although the difference may be small at first, it grows over time, Muñoz said.

Entre las 29 empresas estadounidenses que se comprometieron hoy a reducir la brecha salarial entre hombres y mujeres están también Coca-Cola, General Motors, Nike, Visa, la aerolínea Delta, la cadena hotelera Hilton, la red social LinkedIn y la división de Ikea en Estados Unidos, según informó la Casa Blanca en un comunicado.

Análisis anual

Con este anuncio, ya son más de 50 empresas las que se han comprometido a "hacer un análisis anual sobre el pago" a los empleados de ambos géneros y "revisar sus procesos de contratación y promoción" de empleados para "reducir los sesgos inconscientes y las barreras estructurales", entre otras medidas, apuntó la Casa Blanca.

Apple said in the White House statement that, over the past year, it managed to close the wage gap between its employees of both genders, and that if inequalities reappear, it will face them.

Facebook, meanwhile, said that in his company "men and women earn the same," while Microsoft said it is committed to "equal pay" and "opportunities" to both genders.


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